How We Help

Free Drug & Alcohol Treatment Programs

At Place of Hope, our mission is to provide excellent alcohol and drug treatment programs and services, temporary shelter for the homeless, and food for the hungry.

Alcohol and Drug Treatment Program

Our alcohol and drug treatment program is licensed by the State of Tennessee and specializes in providing:

  • Evaluation and assessment services
  • Residential inpatient program
  • Intensive outpatient program
  • Halfway house program
  • Family treatment services

Aftercare services that include:

  • Individual and group counseling
  • Spiritual support and relapse prevention groups
  • Transitional housing

Homeless Shelter

Many churches, as well as the Sheriff;s Department, Columbia Police Department, and the TN Highway Patrol, refer homeless individuals to our facility.

We evaluate why the person is homeless.  We determine whether the situation is temporary caused by an unfortunate condition caused by chemical dependency, mental illness, eccentricity, unwillingness to work, or some other reason.

We offer a warm, safe place for a good night sleep, a place to shower, and provide a meal.

Nashville Recovery Church

Residents attend Sunday morning church services at Nashville Recovery Church. This inner-city outreach church is located at 1600 Elm Hill Pike in Nashville.

After church services, all who attend are treated to a free meal and an opportunity to receive practical help.